J11 Lakkhaṇa Jātaka


本生经 11:瑞相鹿本生

绘图/ 郑雪花
设计/ 王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

Luckie and Blackie

Jātaka 11: Lakkhaṇa Jātaka
Blackie, through his foolishness, loses all his followers while Luckie leads his herd home safely.

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Tee Say Wah
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Zi Zai Ju
Proofread by Michele & Sharon Ng

具戒者能达到目的。” —— 一时,导师佛陀住在王舍城(Rājagaha)附近的竹林精舍
A virtuous person achieves his goal.” -- At one time, the Teacher, Lord Buddha, who was living in the Bamboo-grove (Veḷuvana) near Rājagaha, talked about Devadatta[1].

Once, Devadatta did not obtain the (Buddha’s consent to implement) Five Rules[2] he had asked for, split the Saṅgha and left with five hundred bhikkhus to live at Gayāsīsa hill.

When the wisdom of these bhikkhus ripened; and knowing this, the Teacher called His two chief disciples[3], and said,

“Sāriputta, the five hundred pupils who were dependent on you but had consented to Devadatta’s wrong views had left with him. Now, their wisdom has come to maturity. Go there with many bhikkhus, preach the Dhamma to them. After enlightening them to the Path and the Fruition, bring them back.”

They went there, preached the Dhamma and revealed psychic power to enlighten them to the Path and the Fruition.

At that time, Devadatta was preaching to followers. When he saw the two chief disciples (of the Buddha), he thought they were coming to join him. He offered to share his seats with them, but they declined and took their seat at another appropriate place.

Having preached the Dhamma the whole night, Devadatta imitated the Buddha’s way of asking Venerable Sāriputta to continue teaching the Dhamma to the bhikkhus, and Venerable Sāriputta agreed. Devadatta laid down and instantly fell asleep as he was tired, unmindful, and lacking in wisdom.

First, Venerable Sāriputta taught the Dhamma to the five hundred young bhikkhus. Then, Venerable Moggallāna taught them by performing psychic power. The five hundred young bhikkhus attained Stream Entry Fruition (Sotāpattiphala) on the spot. [4]

The next day at dawn, the two Venerables and the bhikkus returned to Veḷuvana through the sky. [5]

While the Sāriputta Thera remain standing after his salutation to the Blessed One, the bhikkhus praised Venerable Sāriputta, saying to the Blessed One:

“尊者,我们的兄长—— 法将,真是光彩,由五百位比丘众簇拥着回来,而提婆达多已失去他的跟随众。”
“Bhante, our elder brother, the Captain of Dhamma, has returned in glory with the five hundred bhikkhus, whereas Devadatta had lost his followers.”

The Blessed One replied: “Bhikkhus, it is not only now that Sāriputta returns in glory with his Saṅgha kins; he has done so in the past too. So has Devadatta, who has now lost his followers, as he has done in the past.”

The bhikkhus asked the Blessed One to explain this to them. The Blessed One made clear the cause and condition that had been concealed by rebirth.


In the past, in the city of Rājagaha in the kingdom of Magadha, the kingdom was ruled by a certain king of Magadha. At that time, the Bodhisatta was reborn as a stag. Growing up, he lived in the forest as the leader of a herd of a thousand deer.

He had two sons, Luckie and Blackie.

When he grew old, he said: “Children, I am old now, you protect these herd.” and entrusted them with five hundred deer each.

Since then, the two young stags took charge of protecting the herd.

In the Kingdom of Magadha, when the grains were ripening, near the harvest season, the deer in the forest faced danger.

To kill these deer that eat their grains, people dug pits, fixed stakes, set stone mechanical-traps, and laid deceitful snares here and there. Many deer were killed.

Thus, when the Bodhisatta knew that it was harvest season, he called his two sons and said,

“Children, many deer will meet destruction this harvest time. Those of us who are old will find a place to spend our days. Both of you should lead your herd to the foothills of the forest. Come back after the crops have been harvested.”

“Very good,” they said. On their father's advice, they went off with their followers.

However, the people were aware of the route the deer take to go to the hill. They also know, “This is the time the deer will climb up the hill, the time the deer will go down the hill.” They concealed in hiding places here and there. They shot and killed many deer.

Foolish Blackie did not know, “When to go and when not to.” He led the herd of deer, regardless of whether it was daytime or night time, dusk or dawn, and even went to the entrance of the village.

So, the people who ambushed or were mere bystanders, killed many deer.

Due to Blackie’s foolishness, many deer were killed; only a few entered the forest.

On the other hand, Luckie being wise, learned, and resourceful, knew when to go and when not to.

They did not pass by the entrance to the village. They did not move in the daytime, at dusk or dawn. Luckie only led his herd to move in the middle of the night, and they managed to enter the forest without a single deer being killed.

For four months, the herd remained and only came down from the hill when the crops were harvested.

On the way home, Blackie repeated his previous behavior, lost the rest of his herd and returned alone. On the other hand, Luckie did not lose any deer, five hundred deer surrounded him, when he appeared before his parents.

As he saw his two sons returning, the Bodhisatta framed this verse to advise the herd of deer:

“A virtuous person with friendly conduct, achieves his goal.
  Look, Luckie led a host of relatives back;
  Whereas, Blackie has completely lost his relatives.”

This is how the Bodhisatta rejoiced for his son.

He lived to the end of his life and passed away according to his kamma.


The Teacher said, “Bhikkhus, it is not only this time that Sāriputta return gloriously surrounded by the Saṅgha relatives; in the past, it was glorious like this too. So too for Devadatta, he lost his followers this time and also in the past.”

The Teacher, explaining this Dhamma-teaching, relating the two stories, putting them together and connecting them, showed that,


“At that time, Devadatta was Blackie, his followers were Blackie’s followers; Sāriputta was Luckie, his followers were the Buddha’s followers; Rāhula’s mother was their mother, and I myself was their father.”


尾注 Endnotes

1 关于提婆达多的事,在本生经《康达哈罗司祭官本生》(Khaṇḍahāla Jātaka, J542)中,说明:他指使射手,企图谋害佛陀。在本生经《小鹅本生》(Cullahaṃsa Jātaka, J533)中,说明:他放走醉象(Nāḷāgiri)企图踏死佛陀。在本生经《海商本生》(Samudda Vāṇija Jātaka, J466)中,说明:他堕入地狱。

在法句经注第 17 偈《提婆达多之事》中,记载包含关于提婆达多一生的概述。佛陀让提婆达多出家。如果他不出家,他会作为居士造了重业,但不能造下未来解脱轮迴的因缘。然而,出家后,即使还会造下重业(即:出佛身血和破和合僧),但却能造下未来解脱轮迴的因缘。因此佛陀让他出家。从现在起再过十万大劫,他将会成为辟支佛,名叫“阿替沙拉”(Aṭṭhissara)。

The anecdotes about Devadatta were recorded as follows: his attempt to kill the Buddha by engaging the archers in the Khaṇḍahāla Jātaka (542); his attempt to kill the Buddha by discharging Nāḷāgiri, the drunken elephant, in the Cullahaṃsa Jātaka (533); and his falling down into the hells, in the Samudda Vāṇija Jātaka (466).

In the Commentary of Dhammapada verse17, Devadatta Vatthu recorded an overview of the life of Devadatta. The Buddha allowed Devadatta to be ordained; if he had remained a layman and committed grievous crimes (bad heavy kamma), it will be impossible for him to create the causes and conditions to liberate from the rounds of rebirth in future existences. But if he became a bhikkhu, no matter how grievous the crimes he committed (e.g. shedding a Buddha’s blood and creating a schism within the Sangha), it would still be possible for him to create the causes and conditions for him to be released from the round of rebirth in future existences. Thus, the Buddha received him into the Order as a bhikkhu. At the end of a hundred thousand cycles of time, he will become a Pacceka Buddha named Atthissara.

2 提婆达多要求的五事:比丘们应该终生都住在森林、托钵乞食、穿粪扫衣、住在树下、不吃鱼和肉。 在此当提婆达多提出五事时,佛陀立刻知道他的目的是分裂僧团。由于对这些要求的让步会阻碍修行的进步,佛陀认为这些要求不合理,并说如果一位比丘想要,可以成为一位住丛林者等等。如果佛陀接受提婆达多的要求,那么就排除了那些身体虚弱或年老后健康衰退的比丘们修行进步的可能性,因此必须住在村里的寺院中以实现他们修行的目标。更多详情,请参阅Venerable Mingun Sayadaw编写的“The Great Chronicles of Buddhas” 。

Five rules demanded by Devadatta: For their entire life, bhikkhus should be forest-dwellers, alms-food-eater, refuse-rag-wearers, tree-root-dwellers, and consume neither fish nor meat. Herein when Devadatta made the five demands, the Buddha knew instantly that his object was to create a schism in the Saṅgha. As concessions to these demands would be a hindrance to spiritual progress, the Buddha considered them unreasonable and said that a bhikkhu can become a forest dweller if he wishes to, and so on. If the Buddha accepted Devadatta’s demands, it would rule out the possibility of spiritual progress for the bhikkhu who is physically weak or the bhikkhu who decline in health at old age and so has to live in the village monastery to achieve his spiritual goal. For more details, please refer to “The Great Chronicles of Buddhas” by Venerable Mingun Sayadaw.

3 即:舍利弗尊者与目犍连尊者。
   i.e., Venerable Sāriputta and Venerable Moggallāna.

4 以上本生经没有描述的情节是简载自 The Great Chronicles of Buddhas, Venerable Mingun Sayadaw 著。
Above incident which is not mentioned in Jātaka is summarised from The Great Chronicles of Buddhas by Venerable Mingun Sayadaw.

5 记载于法句经注第 17 偈《提婆达多之事》。
   Recorded in the Commentary of Dhammapada verses 17, Devadatta Vatthu.




真惠是持久之道—— 一位真正卓越的领导者,任何被他领导过的人们都会期待再被他领导;即使他已经不再领导,乃至当他已经离开世间几十年、几百年,甚至几千年,还是会有一群人继续忠心耿耿地跟随着他无形的领导。到底是什么原因造就如此影响深远的领导人?答案是他的领导能够为跟随者带来真正的惠益。


因为佛陀能够为跟随者们带来长远的真惠,所以,他的跟随者们即使再难舍也愿意舍,再难忍也愿意忍,以无比坚韧的毅力去完成人类最伟大且最艰难的任务—— 断除贪嗔痴,解脱无始的轮回。由于佛陀的领导是真惠的领导,所以它才会自然持久。

诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意,是诸佛教。—《法句经》第 183 偈

Teacher’s Guide


True benefits are lasting -- A truly outstanding leader is one whose leadership is desired by his followers even though he has relinquished the leadership role. Even if he has left the world for decades, hundreds or even thousands of years, there will still be a group of people faithfully following his lead. What makes an influential leader? Leadership that brings benefits to its followers.

Among the many outstanding leaders in human history who possess charismatic leadership skills, the Buddha is one who has followers faithfully practising his teachings even though he has left the world thousands of years ago.

Because the Buddha offered long-term true benefits, his followers are willing to ‘let go’ no matter how hard it is to do so, to endure no matter how difficult; and with incomparable perseverance, to accomplish the greatest and most difficult task of mankind, i.e., cutting off greed, anger and delusion to attain liberation from endless rebirth. Since the leadership of the Buddha is the leadership of true benefits, it will naturally endure.

Do no evil, cultivate good, purify one's mind, this is the teaching of the Buddhas. ~ Dhammapada verse 183.


省思 Reflection


Follow a wise leader,
Be a wise follower,
This is wisdom.
